Need a (motorcycle camping) break from the missus? - Scenic Skip to main content

Need a (motorcycle camping) break from the missus?

By 25.02.20212 Comments

What can you do when you feel like going out with the guys but all bars and bowling alleys are closed? The answer is simple. You buy a tent, call your mates and ask them if they feel like going on a little motorcycle camping trip. The missus won’t get jealous as there won’t be many females walking around camp sites and when I asked around I received a surprising amount of positive feedback from my friends.

Of course your geographical location plays a role but as you can see you can even camp in the snow!
Photo credit

In this video, Motorcycle Traveler Tim Collins talks about the different animals you can encounter in North America and how to best deal with them. His entire channel is really interesting, really worth checking out! In reality when you arrived to your spot, set up your tent and started the campfire, no animals will bother you, except for insects and in Latin America perhaps some stray dogs want to become friends in exchange for some of that deliciously BBQ grilled meat.

For motorcycle camping ideas have a look here.

I would like to hear from you if/where you prefer to go camping and how you prepare for that. Please share in the comments! TIA!


  • Caroline says:

    So you need a break from the missus eh?
    Really boys, it’s time to grow up a little bit. A break from the missus doesn’t really sound like an advertisement for camping does it?
    So I’d suggest to leave your pity full relationship out of your communication with fellow motorcyclist, man or woman, and focus on our common hobby.
    I’ve been camping everywhere in Europe and South America, totally selfsupporting and on a MV Agusta F800, not known for their packing capacity. So I have lots of tips and tricks for camping. But not ‘to have a break from the missus’.
    Keep trying,



  • Guido says:

    Hi Caroline. No disrespect was meant towards any rider, man or woman. Perhaps a bettter title would have been… ‘need a break from your spouse’, or ‘need a break from day to day life’. Fact remains that vast majority of riders is male. Don’t know why to be honest. In any case… would love to have more divers rider perspectives here on the blog. If you’re interested to write for us… please contact me through the support link (there’s an email me button all the way at the bottom) Cheers, Guido

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