Deep cleaning your motorcycle - Scenic Skip to main content

Deep cleaning your motorcycle

By 21.04.20203 Comments

Some people really LOVE cleaning their motorcycle. I’m not one of them. Never have and probably never will. Having said that I do understand why people like it. Nothing quite like spending time with your ‘love’ and making her shine like new again.

So, WHEN I clean my bike I try to do it well. And lately, well, let’s just say, I had less opportunity riding my motorcycle, leaving more time to do do other things, like, cleaning it, for example.

So, being the nerd that I am, I decided to do some research on how to best clean your motorcycle. Came across a lot of articles and videos. Conclusion? There is no one true recognised best way. Surprise surprise 🙂. Overall though, these are more or less the general steps:

  1. Rinse down with water
  2. Apply some kind of cleaning spray
  3. Leave spray on for about 1 to 2 minutes
  4. Rinse down with water again
  5. Apply steps 2 through 4 with a different product (this is optional)*
  6. Apply steps 2 through 4 with yet another product (this is optional)*
  7. Dry with cloths
  8. Dry with air

* Any one of these products will have a different purpose than the ones used before 🙂

Every article author / video maker had their own favourite products and cleaning materials. No specific products sticking out though. Material wise, a common sponge to agitate / rub in the products, and some old towels and microfibers for drying did the job for most of them.

Now, I’ve yet to give this a try (ordered some products online) and I’ll let you know how it goes. If you don’t want to wait for that, have a look at this video from TheMissendenFlyer:



Independent Developer of ScenicApp


  • Frank Schuurman says:

    A very handy tip is cleaning your windshield with spiritus after a ride through a swarm of mosquitos. The spiritus is a alcohol and ethanol based blue liquid and highly flammable, so be carefull in tropical environments. When doing this before you rinse the the bike, it gives you a very clean windshield as the alcohol brakes down the dead mosquito body’s that slammed onto your windscreen.

    • Jeremy Paule says:

      50/50 Hydrogen Peroxide and Water will melt bugs and it won’t light you on fire!

  • Lea Jones says:

    It’s better to use a microfibre cloth instead of a sponge on painted surfaces, a sponge will collect debris and rub over the paint and possibly scrape or scratch it. Microfibre cloths hold debris in off the outer fibres.

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