Moto Intel Report - Nov 22, 2018 - Scenic Skip to main content
Moto Intel Report

Moto Intel Report – Nov 22, 2018

By 22.11.2018December 3rd, 2018No Comments

WunderLINQ, Hearing Protection, Honda Monkey and Bad Fuel.

Nov 22, 2018


Last weekend Guido, Tom and I did an amazing 1200km [750 mile] trip through the Sierra Gorda in Mexico. My BMW F650 GS behaved like she was supposed to, she devoured those curves and it was seriously one of the best trips we did together. The weather was perfect and the only thing that went wrong was a beer drinking lady backing up against my motorcycle while I was parked at a gas station. Nobody got hurt but that was sheer luck!

In this Black Friday special Guido offers a whopping 30% discount on Scenic credits and the Premium Forever package, he discusses hearing protection and touches upon a soon te be released gadget, the WunderLINQ.

Tom talks about bad fuel quality and the effect it has on fuel pumps; something he ran into during our last trip, and I bring to your attention the 2019 Honda Monkey; a cool toy to have.

Now, without further ado, let’s get rolling…



Sierra Gorda, Mexico


Somewhere behind the incredible mountains of the Sierra Gorda lies La Huasteca Potosina, famous for its many waterfalls, jaguars, wild boars and parrots. But the destination of what was probably our last major trip this year was not the Huasteca… it was the Sierra Gorda itself.
The Sierra Gorda has something for every type of motorcyclist… a long prairie-like entrance, tight corners (many of them), off-road fun (rocks and mud) and long and deep curves once you make your way out of the mountains.
Guido, Jasper and I started in Guido’s home-town Queretaro, and drove all the way via Jalpan de Serra to San Luis Potosi, and back to Queretaro. Daniel Levy has written a more in-depth ride report – read it here


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2019 Honda Monkey

At $3,999 this Honda Monkey is an awesome minibike that resembles the classic minibikes from the 60s and 70s. It is actually an update from Honda’s popular tiny Grom sport bike which on its turn is of course based on the original Z50.
It comes with a 125 cc engine backed by a four-speed transmission and with 231 lbs [105kg] and tiny 12 inch wheels, this little Monkey is as light as it is nimble. Check out this review by Revzilla



Fuel filter inspection


For most of our European readers, clogged fuel filters and malfunctioning fuel pumps are unlikely to spoil your ride. In countries with poor fuel quality (such as Mexico), this is a serious problem. In a little over 22,000km (13,670 mi.), I’ve had a clogged fuel filter twice, leading to erratic engine performance and some hiccups.

You know you’re most likely dealing with a clogged filter if you’re revving (thus demanding much from the fuel pump), and you notice hiccups in the gas response. This piece from the ride adventure blog runs you through the fuel flow process – I found it helpful when checking the fuel pump on my own bike.


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The WunderLINQ is a combination of hardware and an app for Android and iOS. The hardware allows the app to show information about your motorcylce and allows you to control your phone with the glove friendly remote on your handle bars. The app works seamlessly with other apps too, like Scenic.
Although currently only for BMW motorcycles with the nav prep, a universal solution is the next step for Keith and Wayne, who started a Kickstarter campaign last year which reached its goal in August. The first units are about to ship very soon. Check for more information.
Scenic 2 will support the BMW Wheel using the WunderLINQ, allowing you to control Scenic in a safe and glove friendly way. In fact Scenic 2 will work with any Bluetooth LE remote control that sends keyboard commands.



Hearing Protection

If a sound reaches 85 dB or stronger, it can cause permanent damage to your hearing. Wind noise inside a motorcycle helmet can reach 115 dB or more at highway speeds. And the dB scale is logarithmic, meaning a sound of 88 dB is double as intens as a sound of 85 dB.
The amount of time you listen to a sound affects how much damage it will cause. The louder a sound, the shorter you can listen to it safely without causing permanent damage to the hair cells in the inner ear, leading to hearing loss. Now imagine those 115 dB for hours on end pounding at your ears. Better protect yourself! Here are some good ways to prevent permanently damaging your ears



Exploding Fall

This picture was taken by Michael on Hwy 88 “Carson Pass” in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Northern California, where the Fall is exploding with gorgeous color.


What’s your most beautiful / funny / crazy motorcycle shot? Share your pic with us and we might just put it in the next Moto Intel Report.



Independent Developer of ScenicApp

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