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Option to disable AutoPause

Is there an option to disable AutoPause? I can’t locate one, but would love to disable it. I have continual issues where it will pause while I am at a long stop light and it doesn’t start back up. I lose the remainder of the ride.

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There used to be, but I removed it. I can bring it back, but honestly would rather fix the real cause of your issue, which is that it's not auto-resuming. This is strange. Tracking should auto-resume when you are more than 100 meters away from the location where tracking was paused. However, this does NOT work if you are using scenic in the background and scenic doesn't have 'always' location access. If Scenic has 'when in use' location access iOS will stop sending coordinates to Scenic after a while of not moving. Could that be the case for you? You can check if Scenic has 'Always' access through the iOS Settings App > Scenic.

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Thank you for the quick reply. Ok, that makes sense. Typically, I start Scenic and then I lock my phone to save my battery. I’m assuming this puts the app in a “running in the background” state. I’m running an iPhone.
While I’m not necessarily fond of the idea of always having the phone unlocked, I do typically keep external batteries to charge the phone. I may have to keep more with me. Outside of this inconvenience, I love the app.

Or.. give Scenic ‘always’ location access. That will also solve your problem and you can keep iPhone locked.

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Hmm, I checked and it is marked as “always”. Do you think uninstalling/reinstalling the app might do anything beneficial?

Hmmm... in that case we might be dealing with a bug. I'll check on this.

There is one more thing I can think of. Could you do following:

  • Tap start button  (just from your armchair, doesn't matter)
  • Then tap on bottom bar where you see the time
  • In the panel that slides up from the bottom, tap the pause button and choose GPS ON
  • Now you will see an AUTO-RESUME switch. That should be ON for auto-resume to work. It could be that you turned this off during one of your previous rides (the setting is remembered between rides).

Uninstalling and reinstalling won't make a difference.

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Hey hey, that might be it! I can’t state how/why that may have changed on me, however it was marked with Auto-Resume on. I’ll test it out on some rides and let you know if there are any issues. Thank you for the help.

Just to be clear... it SHOULD be ON. Only if it's ON / active, the tracking will auto-resume after it was paused.

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